This fly is a variant of Kelly Galloups Boogie Man streamer made with some cool tweaks in the materials. Head has a wool mix from Icelandic ram and that is what ullarhaus means, simply a woolhead! We also added some funky silicone legs to spice it up and add more movement. Head has brass dumbell eyes to make it sink fast enough and 3D eyes to get the right looks. Total length of fly is 85mm or 3,4".
Trutta Ullarhaus have colors that resemble a baby Trout quite well (hence the name) and is also a good representation of common minnows and sculpins. The colors in this fly have good visibility in both clear and more colored water. For fishing articulated streamers we recommend using rods and lines in #7 to have enough power to cast these large flies effortless. A powerful 6wt can also be a good alternative if you don’t have a dedicated streamer rod.